ATTENTION: Overwhelmed and Underpaid Health Professionals

From Patchy Diary To Fully Booked

Discover The Step-By-Step Guide For Filling Your Diary (Every Week)
And Making The Money You Thought You Would

If you’re a health professional (physiotherapist, podiatrist, osteopath, sports therapist or massage therapist) who:

  • Started your business more than a year ago - BUT...

  • Possibly still working in the NHS (or in another role)

  • Only making between £1,500 - £3,000 per month (and barely any of that ends up in your pocket!)

Then I guess this isn’t quite what you thought running a business would look like?

If you’re a health professional (physiotherapist, podiatrist, osteopath, sports therapist or massage therapist) who:

  • Started your business more than a year ago - BUT...

  • Possibly still working in the NHS (or in another role)

  • Only making between £1,000 - £3,000 per month (and barely any of that ends up in your pocket!)

Then I guess this isn’t quite what you thought running a business would look like?

Here’s the thing…

Us health professionals were never taught any of the business ‘stuff’ during our training and so we end up just ‘winging it’ hoping, praying and wishing it’ll eventually work.

But after a while, you find yourself:

Feeling completely stuck and sick of thinking you’ve cracked it one week and then before you know it… you’re back feeling worried and anxious.

Trying lots of different things (that you see others do!) to try and get new clients… but nothing seems to work (and if it does, you can’t repeat it)

Feel you should be posting on social media (because that’s what the ‘experts’ say) but you hate it and have no clue what to post or when and where to do it!

Battling the guilt and/or embarrassment about the lack of money you’re making, so you’re unable to do nice things with the family (or having to reply on your partner financially)

Dropping your prices to be ‘competitive’, or running offers (because you’re worried people won’t buy at higher prices) but end up just giving more of your time away for less money

Spending more time worrying about your empty diary than doing things to actually fill it (and not even knowing what to do to fill it)

Lacking confidence that you can make this business work, and worry you might need to go back to a ‘normal job’

And look, I get it.

But I’m here to lovingly ask you NOT to:

  • Give up on your dream - you’ve already done the hard bit, now it’s time to make the business work for you for a change.

  • Post on social media - it doesn’t work anyway and there’s a much easier way to get yourself out there and not feel like a fool doing it!

  • Lower your prices - this doesn’t make you competitive, it puts people off

  • Keep ‘winging it’ - there’s a step-by-step process to follow that takes all the guesswork out of it

All you need is a proven, simple system to guide you from this place of struggle, overwhelm and worry and help you create a thriving, resilient, business.. 

Allow me to introduce the cure for all this pain, struggle and stress.

Introducing the:

And look, I get it.

But I’m here to lovingly ask you NOT TO:

  • Give up on your dream - you’ve already done the hard bit, now it’s time to make the business work for you for a change.

  • Post on social media - it doesn’t work anyway and there’s a much easier way to get yourself out there and not feel like a fool doing it!

  • Lower your prices - this doesn’t make you competitive, it puts people off

  • Keep ‘winging it’ - there’s a step-by-step process to follow that takes all the guesswork out of it

All you need is a proven, simple system to guide you from this place of struggle, overwhelm and worry and help you create a thriving, resilient, business.. 

Allow me to introduce the cure for all this pain, struggle and stress.

Introducing the:

EVOLVE Programme

A Transformational 12-Week Journey For Health Professionals Like You, Who Want To:

  • Be shown exactly what to do (to finally succeed), and how to do it

    NO MORE winging it and just hoping things eventually get better - learn from experts who have helped 100’s of health professionals get past this painful point of business

  • Have confidence your diary is consistently full
    NO MORE tumbleweed weeks wondering where the next booking is coming from

  • Have a monthly income you’re really proud of
    NO MORE worrying about money, not contributing and missing out

EVOLVE Programme

A Transformational 12-Week Journey For Health Professionals Like You, Who Want To:

  • Be shown exactly what to do (to finally succeed), and how to do it
    NO MORE winging it and just hoping things eventually get better - learn from experts who have helped 100’s of health professionals get past this painful point of business

  • Have confidence your diary is consistently full
    NO MORE tumbleweed weeks wondering where the next booking is coming from

  • Have a monthly income you’re really proud of
    NO MORE worrying about money, not contributing and missing out

Over 12-weeks, here’s how the Evolve Programme promises to transform your business:

Week 1:

A plan to succeed

Setting your 12 week plan, so you know EXACTLY what you need to start doing to progress and what you need to STOP (that’s holding you back)

  • Strategy for success LIVE training
    Accountability and your first 30 days action planning. No more time wasting, and procrastinating

Weeks 2-3:
Revealing Your True Potential

Understanding what’s truly possible with your current availability & charges (your business has to be set-up to work for YOU)

  • Mindset for success LIVE training
    How to get out of your own way and move forwards quicker

  • Profit For Show
    Revealed: what to do to get more money in your bank account each month

  • Avoiding Financial Overwhelm
    Understanding the key numbers in your business, without your head exploding (no more burying your head in the sand)

  • Strategy for success LIVE training
    Progress check in with your coach, live questions and answers to help keep you progressing forwards faster

Weeks 4-5:
Clients Win and You Win

  • Win:Win
    How to create exceptional client results and add more money into your business at the same time

  • Instant cash injection
    Revealed: Change one number and instantly make more profit

  • Mindset for success
    How to make more money and not feel uncomfortable doing it LIVE training

  • Strategy for success LIVE training
    Progress check in with your coach, live questions and answers to help keep you progressing forwards faster

Week 6:
Get it done and make it happen

  • Taking action and enjoying the progress
    These weeks are all about implementing the tactics, advice and progress so far. We’ll even give you everything you could possibly need (like templates we know work!) to make it even easier!

Weeks 7-8:
Conversations that turn into clients

  • No Sleaze Please
    How to master the art of selling in a way that feels great for you and even better for your patients

  • Paving the way
    How to create (and simplify) your client journey so they get better results, refer people to you AND YOU get to just focus on the treatment!

  • Strategy for success LIVE training
    Progress check in with your coach, live questions and answers to help keep you progressing forwards faster

Weeks 9-10:
Mastering the mind

  • Mindset for success LIVE training
    How to take your business to the next level without constantly doubting yourself

  • Strategy for success LIVE training
    Progress check in with your coach, live questions and answers to help keep you progressing forwards faster

  • All Eyes On Me
    Get your services seen with this simple process that highlights you on Google searches

Week 11:
Marketing demystified

  • Strategy for success LIVE training
    Progress check in with your coach, live questions and answers to help keep you progressing forwards, faster

  • It's Just Not Social
    Discover how to get more clients without spending more money with this simple 3 option marketing plan

Week 12:
Results accelerator

  • Quick wins
    How to unlock quick cash generating wins, without having to generate new leads or speak to people you don’t know

  • Recalibrate and accelerate
    You’ll already be getting results by now so it’s time to review your initial targets and set new ones that are inline with your new processes

Ok, So That’s What You’re Going To Learn (And Do)

Now Here’s Exactly How We Hold Your Hand Every Step Of The Way

So That You Can Fill Your Diary, Increase Your Income And Take Control Of Your Future…

Without Having To Do It All On Your Own!


Brand New Training Module Every Single Week

Everything you need to:

  • Attract new paying clients

  • Turn conversations into cash

  • Consistently fill your diary


Fortnightly Group Sessions With Your Strategic Coach

Specifically designed to:

  • Help you implement what you learn

  • Answer any questions or sticking points

  • Assist you in setting your weekly actions

  • Hold you accountable so you constantly progress 

  • Get ideas and insights from someone who’s “been there and done it


Monthly Live Mindset Sessions

On topics such as:

  • Overcoming self sabotage

  • How to banish limited beliefs

  • Creating a rock solid money mindset

  • Eliminate doubt and procrastination

  • And much more


Access To The Evolve Members Community

So that you:

  • Have round the clock support from your peers

  • Are never alone

  • Get all your questions answered

  • A network of people like you, going through the

  • same experience

  • Have a platform to share ideas

  • Are able to help your fellow Evolve members

Your investment

For less than the price of a daily gin and tonic (not recommending drinking everyday) you can unlock everything you need to finally start enjoying a full diary, watching your business grow and seeing your monthly income increase.

12-Week Evolve Programme Investment - £975

Today: Your ‘Founding Member’ Investment - £747

Our next programme starts on 17th March

Paid over 3 easy installments of just £249 (that’s just £8.30 per day - you can barely get a large pinot for that!)

Our goal is to help you recoup that fee before the end of the programme - then the rest is all a great return on your investment!

But that’s not all…

When You Enrol In The Evolve Programme You Also Unlock The ‘Get More Clients’ Marketing Pack… For Free!

BONUS #1 -
Get Seen On Google… For FREE!

A simple (even if you hate tech) step-by-step guide to setting up your ‘Google My Business’ so that you show up on searches… without having to spend a single penny on advertising

BONUS #2 -
The Ultimate Referral Pack

In this unique pack, you’ll secure access to powerful marketing assets (all done-for-you) that will attract floods of referrals and new business… without you having to do any marketing or sales!

Here’s exactly what happens as soon as you join The Evolve Programme


You’ll be invited
to all the training and coaching sessions


You’ll enjoy instant access to the Evolve members portal


You’ll unlock the Get More Clients Marketing Pack right away!

here's how things will look after evolve:

Here's a typical 'patchy' diary BEFORE the Evolve 12-Week Programme (making about £1,000-£2,000 per month)👇🏼

This is what it will look like AFTER the Evolve 12-Week Programme (this would be making you £3000-£4000 every single month) 👇🏼

Meet Your Evolve Course Creator

Hey, I’m Katie Bell 👋🏼

The founder of Thrive (a coaching business dedicated to helping health professionals thrive) and creator of the Evolve Programme.

I just wanted to tell you a little bit ‘about me’ (just so you know I kinda know what I’m talking about).

After qualifying as a Physiotherapist in 2008 with a ‘first class’ honors degree (thought I’d chuck that in there), I didn’t go out on my own, I went to work within a private clinic.

And what I learned during that time was invaluable.

But the trouble was, I learned a lot about what NOT to do! 

The owner was doing their absolute best of course, but fell into many of the traps I now see a lot of health professionals falling into today..

And, after 5 amazing (and eye opening) years, I decided I wanted to do things differently and went out on my own.

I mean, how hard can it be, right?

Now, I was very lucky because I’d seen a lot of patients over the years, and when I left (to go it alone) a lot of them followed!

Which meant, within a week, I was fully booked.

“I knew this would be easy!”

I thought.

But, very fast I had a rude awakening.

You see, when the people who already knew me (and word-of-mouth) dried up…

I had no idea how I was supposed to find new clients.

Maybe you can relate.

Then I kept hearing the word ‘marketing’

Well, when I got all my qualifications, this (marketing) wasn’t even mentioned.

So I had no idea what to do.

Surely having qualifications coming out of my ears, would result in people falling over themselves to work with me?

Sadly not.

So then a new journey of discovery began, where I had to find a way to attract new people, consistently fill my diary and even increase my fees (even though it felt impossible at the time).

Afterall, costs just seem to go up and I actually wanted to have a life!

And believe me when I say…

I tried everything!


  • Getting even more clinical qualifications and going on lots of CPD courses

  • Posting on social media everyday (and absolutely hating it)

  • Spending loads of time and effort trying to create a great website

  • Learning loads of new things, but then not knowing what to implement (I couldn't possibly do it all!)

  • Thinking I need the latest tech - as that will attract people

  • Lowering my prices

  • And about 57 other things!

It was exhausting!

And to top it off…

None of it worked.

I felt I had to be doing something wrong, that everyone else knew something I didn’t and that if I didn’t find a way, I’d have to consider the terrifying thought of getting a ‘real job’...

Or collapse on the treatment bed from burnout and stress!

But I wasn’t really wired to work for someone else and I certainly wasn’t prepared to give up on my passion and dream.

One of my troubles was that I had nobody in my industry to learn from.

I followed all the ‘gurus’.

Read all the books.

But ultimately, I was on my own figuring this stuff out.

Eventually, and after a lot of trial and error and even more wasted money, I began to learn what really worked to consistently fill my diary, boost my income and take control of my future.

And what was more apparent than anything, is that all the stuff I thought would get me where I wanted to go…

Sent me in the wrong direction.

Since I finally figured “it” out (in the health professional industry), there was no stopping me.

Fast-forward 2 1⁄2 years and I’d generated 7-figures in sales for my clinic.

Now I know that sounds almost impossible from where you are today, but since I built the clinic to what it is today, I’ve made it my mission to help other struggling health professionals believe they can do it, too.

Which is why I created a number of programmes and of course this one, Evolve.

I know that over 12-weeks, I can guide you through the exact steps to:

  • Remove all your stress and overwhelm

  • Help you make positive changes

  • Stop you from wasting time and energy on things that don’t work

  • Start making much more money

  • Enjoy growing your own business

Here’s my promise
to you…

When you invest in The Evolve Programme, my team of experts will hold your hand every step of the way, guide you through the process and hold you accountable, so that you can finally love what you do and go full time in your business.

If you know in your heart that you’re following your purpose and want to create a great business for yourself then jump in, take the chance and we’ll help you get there.

Common pre-enrolment questions:

Q: How do I know it will work for me?

You don’t! BUT, what we do guarantee is if you show up, do the work, implement the clinic transforming strategies it WILL work for you. I can also guarantee something, that if you don’t do anything different, you will still be in the same place in 12 months, if not worse!

Q: I’m just getting started with my business, is this for me?

A: Sadly, this programme isn’t for start-ups. You need to have been in business for at least 1-year - but we’d love to see you when you’re ready

Q: This is a lot of money for me, how do I know it’s worth the risk?

A: Let me ask you to look at  this differently, what if you made the investment, got just 2 extra clients (coz that’s the minimum you need to repay your full investment), and that’s the only thing you did - you are no worse off! In fact, what you are going to learn is going to get you even MORE clients, MORE money to take home, MORE confidence in running your business and your full investment will be repaid in just 12 weeks! Now is it worth the risk? The bigger risk is doing nothing!

Q: How long will it take for me to start seeing results?

A: Results are what we strive for! We expect you to see some results in the first week and remember… our goal is for you to recoup the entire investment within 12 weeks. Results will come in all different forms too! Time, money, confidence, clarity, structure, clients, reputation, results! Sound good?

Q: I might not have enough time around kids and my clinic?

A: This will require you to show up and do the work, if you can give this 4-5 hours a week you will be FLYING! If you are not prepared to make the time, (we will show you how much your also wasting each week, and help you become much more effective and efficient), then this program is not for you! But if you are really ready to transform your life, then you will make it work! And remember our training videos are all there for you to watch at a time to suit you and the dates for the LIVE training, all given up front, so you can plan to be there!

Q: What if it doesn't work for me?

A: This will only happen if you do NOT show up and do the work. Period!

Q: I’m worried I won’t do the work and it will just be another course

A: We get this! We have lots of ways to hold you accountable, and we are keeping the course to a small group, so we will be expecting you, and if you're not there, we will lovingly reach out to you!

Q: Will I actually get to speak to anyone?

A: YES! In weeks 1, 2 and 3 you have a live session, then every other week you have a LIVE check in. Plus you have access to our Evolve community group, so you even get to chat and help each other out!

Q: What makes this different from other courses out there?

A: Great question! I can’t tell you how we differ from other courses as I’ve not seen them, but what I can tell you is…

The Evolve Programme has been created specifically for health professionals and you’re guided through by very successful health professionals who’ve been exactly where you are.

You'll also be part of a community of people going through the same experience, so you can connect, build relationships and help each other, too. 

And, its got rid of all the stuff you DON’T need and filled with actionable stuff from DAY ONE! We are not messing around.

Ready to go?...

Still have questions?